‘… and then there was an exchange of nostalgia’ - by P. I. P. I.
‘… en toen was er een uitwisseling van nostalgie’

‘… and then there was an exchange of nostalgia’


At the same time of being brought together by our own relationships with another culture and the duality we find ourselves in, the differences are explored between these experiences. One is in a more overarching changing present and the other in a situated past. These two experiences are then exchanged in their own audiovisual form.

Video one: American visual, Japanese audio
Video two: Japanese visual, American audio
Video three: Japanese
Video four: American


Sound association experiment 1/?’

Staying in the realm of nostalgia, we were navigated by sound to actively capture the way of its transformation through one’s personal story and associations. The network which began with sequences of sounds that were nostalgic to us expanded by asking others to then choose a sound and alter it to their personal association. This was either done with their own voice, with us together, with the present surroundings or certain rules that were given to us. From there the network grew even more due to our process of then making an audiovisual work by relating other associations upon other associations…

One video